This multimedia image is part of a set of fresco murals and wooden sculptures in a group of chapels on the Sacred Mount of Orta on the island of San Giulio, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This scene is from the XIV Cappella (Fourteenth Chapel), showing Saint Francis Meets the Sultan of Egypt. The … [Read more...] about sultan-and-the-saint-film-saint-francis-meets-the-sultan-of-egypt-2
Lives Over Time
This multimedia image is part of a set of fresco murals and wooden sculptures in a group of chapels on the Sacred Mount of Orta on the island of San Giulio, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This scene is from the XIV Cappella (Fourteenth Chapel), showing Saint Francis Meets the Sultan of Egypt. The … [Read more...] about sultan-and-the-saint-film-saint-francis-meets-the-sultan-of-egypt-1
Painting by Robert Lentz, Saint Francis and the Sultan, 2006. For a video by the artist explaining his painting, see … [Read more...] about sultan-and-the-saint-film-robert-lentz-saint-francis-and-the-sultan
This panel belongs to an altarpiece made for a chapel near the town of La Bañeza in León, called Lives of the Virgin and Saint Francis painted from 1445–60 by Spanish miniature painter Nicolás Francés (d. 1468). (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid) … [Read more...] about sultan-and-the-saint-film-lives-of-the-virgin-and-saint-francis
This is an engraved (printed from a metal plate) book illustration by Gustave Doré from 1877, in the book Histoire des Croisades (History of the Crusades) by Joseph-Francois Michaud (b. 1767– d. 1839) published in seven volumes between 1812 and 1822, with another edition in … [Read more...] about sultan-and-the-saint-film-history-of-the-crusades-engraved-illustration