Islam and Christianity are the two largest religions in the world and both religions are varied and diverse. Peace Requires Encounter calls on Muslims and Christians across America to start encounter dialogues around The Sultan and The Saint film. In collaboration with Christian and Muslim leaders, we have developed a dialogue guidebook to help you host a meaningful faith exchange in your local community.
To host a dialogue with The Sultan and the Saint click on the link below. You will receive the guidebook and other resources to help you plan your event.

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Faith Leader Interviews
We sat down with some of the world’s most important Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss the importance of the message of The Sultan and the Saint for our time. Listen to what they have to say.
The Peacemaker Network
Check out the national network of Peacemakers — these people have been awarded The Sultan and the Saint Peacemaking Award in cities across America. They work to build bridges of peace and understanding amongst Muslims and Christians locally and globally.